Gymnophalloides heardi is a parasitic fluke that infects the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) in Florida and clapper rail (Rallus longirostris).
The Marshlands Conservancy is one of the most productive places for birding along Long Island Sound, supporting clapper rails, salt marsh sharp-tailed sparrows and American oyster catchers.
Birders' outing to see clapper rail and ruffed grouse.
It was first described in 1969 from the intestine of the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris) in eastern North America.
I", is known from clapper rails (Rallus longirostris) and marsh rice rats (Oryzomys palustris) in the eastern United States.
Now she has more birds than her troops can stuff, a freezer full of grackles and sparrows and robins, along with the odd horned lark or clapper rail.
Caumsett State Park Oldsquaw and common goldeneye (common), clapper rail and red-throated loon (rare) SPRING 1.
Diamondback terrapins and clapper rails are frequent visitors, as are many varieties of songbird.
It is habitat to important endangered species, especially the clapper rail and salt marsh harvest mouse.
Based on the habitat (it appeared to be a tidal marsh) and location (she mentioned it depicted a scene in New Jersey), we decided it was a clapper rail.