The organisation was dismantled in 1993-1995 by three police operations, called Belgio from the name of the street where the clan resided.
Currently, this sparse clan resides in eastern Uttar Pradesh, distributed in Jaunpur and neighboring areas.
Today, with a population of 300, five mataqali's or clans reside together in Nairukuruku village.
The bajrak was formed on a territorial, not clanic basis: several small clans could reside on a single bajrak, while large clans might occupy several bajrakë.
A sizeable population of Pashtuns are also found here and many other clans also reside here.
The clan resided in Western Kyoto.
The Korpal clan (sometimes Corepal) also resides and originates from this village.
In the winter, they erected the more substantial long houses, in which more than one clan could reside.
When he left Midorijima, he actually went back to his hometown, where his clan resides.
Tom and his clan currently reside in Ratoath, Co.