He said that if someone didn't stop the spread of evil in the castle, his own clans would soon face the same peril.
With the decline of Chinese clan associations, Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan and other clans increasingly faced obstacles in sustaining their survival.
Now angry former wives are organizing outreach groups, and vast polygamous clans are facing charges of pedophilia and sexual abuse.
Perhaps her interference had compounded the difficulties her clan faced, when she had only been trying to help.
When the clans face a time of crisis or all need to coordinate their efforts towards a common objective, each clan forms a Kurultai and the Khans from each clan then form a Grand kurultai.
The men were not hesitant to condemn Gao for his lack of bravery, since they were hungry and the escaped rhino could have fed the entire clan, and Gumsto was appalled, not at his son's poor performance in this particular hunt, but at the grave danger his clan faced.
"Then the clans will face a difficult day in Axta Glen."
The clan faced internal fragmentation a year later, in the form of the Inada Rebellion, but was peacefully dissolved in 1873 with the rest of the nation's han.