For a time, powerful local clans dominated a region on the border between England and Scotland, known as the Debatable Lands, where neither monarch's writ was heeded.
During the first part of Emperor He's reign, the clan of Empress Dowager Dou, particularly her brother Dou Xian, dominated the political scene.
The clan dominated the regions of Templemore and the Devil's Bit stretching as far as the Tipperary/Kilkenny border.
Partly because the region is dominated by the Majertein clan, in contrast to areas like Mogadishu, where no single clan dominates, the elders here have managed to keep the peace.
But they fall into place as aris-ing out of the particular history of Afghanistan, where religion and clan have dominated life for centuries, in war and in peace.
For a time a powerful local clan dominated a region on the border between England and Scotland.
Two clans, the Muntasir and Adgham, dominated the political, social and economic aspects of Misrata and led the local tribes against their Turkish overlords during various periods of tension.
The Yaolian clan had dominated the leadership of the Khitan tribes since the 750s.
Somalia is not Sudan and promoting the secession of one region, in fact will give rise to many more who are equally clan dominated and who will follow the lead of the secessionists.
Soon the Tlingit clan and political structure, as well as customs and beliefs dominated all other interior culture.