He was stooped, one hand clamped to his side, the fingers thick with oozing blood.
Clamping his hands to his side, the haggard man slumped to a chair.
The way his left arm clamped to his side suggested a second wound there, or bleeding inside.
I saw a needle clamped to Rebel's side, a tube from a bottle of clear liquid feeding into his body.
Clamping one hand to his side, the thug coiled.
He popped off his helmet, clamped it to his side and took a whiff.
One arm was clamped to his side but he could wield that colossal sword single-handed.
He walked past her, one hand clamped to his side, the other steadying the gun.
Rick Ginsberg had joined them, panting hard, one hand clamped to his side.
Tristan cleared the log close behind her, winced at the impact of landing, and clamped a hand to his side.