Chief Justice had claimed reimbursement for airfare for his wife and children when he was not entitled to claim it.
But one of the subcontractors then claims reimbursement above its original estimate and, because of this change, B Ltd cannot profit from the works.
Another employee admitted to "accidentally" claiming reimbursement for $10,000 worth of airline tickets that had been paid for by the Department.
They receive no pay for time spent with cadets but may claim reimbursement for expenses at the Contingent Commander's discretion.
Neither Georgia nor Massachusetts claimed federal reimbursement for such fees.
Eligible costs can include costs in respect of which a business may subsequently claim reimbursement from its insurers.
Therefore he upheld the tribunal, that the directors could not claim reimbursement from National Insurance.
Jensen was investigated in 1999 for allegedly claiming improper reimbursement on some meals.
Please could we remind all rally organisers to return the vouchers to the Office, even if you are not claiming reimbursement.
So, he figured that if he could get someone to take over 603 and then lease it from that person, he could claim reimbursement.