And every player who signed while the lawsuits were pending would claim damages on the ground that he could have made more but for the illegal restrictions.
Suppose a Japanese woman claimed right of asylum on the same ground, since by tradition women are subordinate in Japan.
Venezuela claimed jurisdiction on the ground that three of the four defendants were Venezuelan.
KG 27 claimed 40 Soviet aircraft on the ground, for no loss.
Over 1,000 air victories were filed by German pilots, while another 1,700 were claimed on the ground.
The Connellan air disaster occurred on 5 January 1977, claiming the lives of the suicidal pilot and three on the ground.
After the attacks the pilots of No.5 Squadron claimed destruction of an unidentified An-12 transport on the ground.
This right they claimed on the ground of a papal privilege.
This included 550 claimed in aerial combat and 466 on the ground.
Another 84 RAF fighters were claimed on the ground.