London is trembling from the terror attacks on its public transportation system that have claimed dozens of lives.
It is the relentless violence - which now claims dozens of Iraqis every day - that seems to have fertilized the industry's growth.
But he has not succeeded in extinguishing a low-grade guerrilla war that still claims dozens of lives each month.
Somali hospital officials said the intense urban combat, which began last week, had claimed dozens of lives.
Others claimed dozens of buildings as their own, fortress-like blocks of territory and power.
In spite of the coup's relative brevity, it claimed dozens of lives on both sides.
The same substance has been blamed for bird kills in the city over the last three years that claimed dozens of pigeons and a red-tailed hawk.
And Colombia, where terrorism has claimed dozens of people in single incidents, has 17 people missing and 3 confirmed dead.
Clashes in Croatia have claimed dozens of lives since Friday.
Attacks on church services in Iraq, Egypt and Syria have claimed dozens of lives, including those of children.