Naturally, such controversial claims caused a lot of reaction.
The claim that Raymond had poisoned Alphonso caused much of the Provençal force to turn back and go home.
Those claims have caused the Buddhist Arakanese to be hostile to the Rohingya.
"I suspect that only our claim to have military information has caused anyone to go to this much effort for us."
A claim so bold caused the last challenger's companions to withdraw a little from him, looking worried.
Certain claims may cause a product to be considered a drug, even if the product is marketed as if it were a cosmetic.
Two claims in the film caused vastly differing responses among political analysts.
Despite claims about oil shocks causing the 1970's slowdown and information technology causing the 1990's boom, no one knows for sure the origins of either.
The classic remedy for a delict is compensation: a claim of damages for the harm caused.
It was believed that Presley had never visited England and the claim caused considerable controversy.