Described as "crystalized glass ceramic," it was developed as an architectural cladding material for use in harsh environments.
Starting in the 1970s however, new buildings and additions were built that deviatated from Gréber's vision, introducing high-rise office towers, new architectural styles, and cladding materials to the site.
The cladding materials employed led to the estate being colloquially known as "Legoland".
Wood siding can provide some minor insulation and structural properties as compared to thinner cladding materials.
There is also a 'second generation' of plastic cladding materials which have none of these drawbacks and which are also extremely easy to handle and install.
This is due to the difficulty of finding suitable optical cladding materials, with a lower refractive index than the liquid, which would be required to form a conventional waveguide structure.
In Europe and Asia, post and beam structure often create a dodecahedral shape that is later filled with different cladding materials.
They built a temporary structure in the garden using standard cladding materials and with no foundations other than paving slabs.
Different cladding materials were used; initially zirconium, later on, stainless steel as well as a zirconium-niobium alloy were tried.
It demonstrates how Solar Rain Screen Cladding can be readily incorporated into building refurbishments to provide an extremely cost effective alternative to conventional cladding materials.