Ours is not an aspect of Board family life we wish to share with the rest of the civilized galaxy.
I'd better be able to send out a signal, when we pop into a civilized galaxy, she thought.
Top priority on the list, and at the same time we shall save the civilized galaxy from destruction.
Even if they had the most beautiful horses in the civilized galaxy, she had no intention of going there!
Eventually, it would be able to supply the Council with reports encompassing whole sectors of the civilized galaxy.
No one ship, regardless of power, can possibly effect an aggression upon the entire civilized galaxy, Piper.
They are intelligent aliens with great thoughts to contribute to the civilized galaxy.
Jump-phasers were illegal in most of the civilized galaxy.
Surely by now the pulse had reached a listening comsat somewhere in the civilized galaxy!
"If the rest of the civilized galaxy doesn't know about them - what do they know about us?"