In 2009, they employed a total of 2,000 civilian federal workers.
The extension of that testing to civilian workers, however, began only last year.
Since the beginning of the war in Iraq, at least 3,000 American service members and civilian military workers have died.
Under both changes, they would be treated like civilian workers who leave a job.
Some 16,000 American soldiers, their family members and civilian workers are stationed on the base.
Peacekeeping troops and civilian workers were reported to be outside the line of fire.
But he was told to wait in line at the reception by a civilian worker for 5 minutes.
The plan calls for an additional 1,031 military and civilian workers to be hired in that period.
The total personnel (including 41,000 civilian workers) numbers at the end of 2010 will be 200,000.
The department has about 30,000 uniformed and 7,000 civilian workers.