These days, though, belligerent men with sunglasses and guns are America's most visible civilian representatives in some parts of the world.
The new office, headed by an "international civilian representative," will have much more limited powers, European officials say, to be reviewed annually.
The board consists of both Canadian and American military and civilian representatives.
Afghanistan will take another 30 years to develop into a properly democratic state, Nato's senior civilian representative has said.
He has also worked hard to undermine our civilian representatives there.
No ambassadors, or other diplomats, the press, civilian representatives were invited to attend.
He was later appointed a civilian representative on the Far East War Council.
Each detachment was manned by 24 enlisted, one officer and in some instances a civilian technical representative.
Board members are elected civilian representatives from each Neighbourhood Support District.
"I have questions about the will of all three groups," said Carl Bildt, the chief international civilian representative here.