Administration officials have acknowledged that there was confusion within civilian ranks in the days leading up the raid.
But Mr. Giuliani is considering making cuts in the Police Department's civilian ranks in the next round of budget reductions.
If this gentleman wishes to pursue a civilian job he should retire and join the civilian ranks.
He knew better than to salute, but wanted to acknowledge her civilian rank.
These points can be used to purchase naval and civilian ranks which allow the player to bring in a personal super aircraft carrier flagship into all games.
The post of Band Inspector came with a promotion to Collegiate Assessor, a civilian rank.
Declines an offer to upgrade his last military rank to an equal civilian rank in favour of writing.
He was sent to Algeria as a counter-espionage officer, rising to the civilian rank of captain.
The Danish and Swedish form of Marshal, a military or civilian rank in many countries.
The Dominion incorporated a vast number of planets, and their resident species, into its military and civilian ranks, including: