He listed programs the unit offers, including special services for recent immigrants and courses on how to create civilian patrols.
The two are the leaders of a growing civilian patrol in Flatbush.
But others began explaining how the family could make use of local community groups or help start civilian patrols to supplement police protection.
This was resolved by increased police and civilian patrols to the areas frequented by the girls.
They have sponsored seminars on neighborhood security for residents, set up block-watcher programs and formed civilian patrols.
In Brooklyn, the civilian patrol has been accused of withholding information about suspected local child molesters.
But he pointed out at the meeting that it takes more than a handful of people to make a civilian patrol successful.
Commissioner Safir and other department officials spoke to 250 members of the city's civilian patrols, reviewing the rules that govern them.
Police guidelines forbid civilian patrols to pursue crime suspects.
The guerrillas are not believed to number more than 1,000, and the new Constitution says civilian patrols are strictly voluntary.