We should bid to manage the state's civil operations.
Officially, the airport was opened for civil operation on 18 May 1995.
All civil and military operations require 24 hours' prior permission.
The type went on to have a long and distinguished career in civil operations in Canada.
Since then no more civil operations were handled at this facility.
The airport still has an important role in emergency services operation, civil operation, and flight training.
During the 1980s, the airport was handed over for use by the Czechoslovak air force, and civil operations were reduced to a minimum.
January-August 1939: 4000 passengers used the airport, before declaration of war brought an end to civil operations.
The last 10 years showed that Europe was able to conduct civil and military operations at the scene of more than 23 crises.
In 1946 most of its movement comprised civil operations.