As civil magistrate, he held that he was incompetent to the performance of a military act.
Corporal and other punishment was to be administered only upon order of the district judge or other civil magistrate.
First, because the care of souls is not committed to the civil magistrate, any more than to other men.
For force belongs wholly to the civil magistrate, and the possession of all outward goods is subject to his jurisdiction.
Kings, civil magistrates, governors, in a word, government is the remedy.
In their minds the civil magistrate, being Christian, should have jurisdiction instead of church courts.
He tried to keep a republican Parliamentary administration, "to keep the sword subservient to the civil magistrate".
"Did you not know that you should not have fired without the order of a civil magistrate".
In 1791 he became the chief civil magistrate of Trento.
He served in the state legislature for a year, although he never entered into active politics, and as a civil magistrate.