Their first pint of beer was purchased by a civic-minded citizen who respects the men and women who wear the uniform.
Democrats tried to explain away this solicitation of financial heavy hitters as no more than inviting civic-minded citizens to information seminars.
Sunday morning has become the linchpin of the democratic process, where civic-minded citizens inform themselves on the major issues of the day.
Twenty years ago a civic-minded citizen named Charlie Goldberg led the door-to-door campaign to keep the Broncos here.
Shaw died in 1941, but his cause was carried on by other civic-minded citizens who continued to make gifts to the foundation.
The SCS was founded on 17 April 1952 by a group of civic-minded citizens.
The city did not have the money and appealed to 'civic-minded citizens' to donate the land on which the highway would be built.
The subjects range from civic-minded citizens who donate blood regularly, to people who suffer from the disease being studied.
His endeavors inspired further donations for the school from civic-minded citizens.
Jay Fisette, chairman of the Arlington County Board, said earning the top spot reflected smart planning and civic-minded citizens.