It also has areas with gardens and trees and a civic plaza set up to double as an open air theater.
This base is designed to complement the materials and design present in the City-County Building's civic plaza as well as provide seating for visitors.
The waterfront project will not interfere with river views or harm the neighboring wetlands, and there will be a civic plaza and promenade to ensure public access to the river.
The skywalks loom over Fountain Square, Cincinnati's central civic plaza, cutting off views and strangling retailers and restaurants on the ground floor.
Confederation Square, for example, was initially planned to be a civic plaza to balance the nearby federal presence of Parliament Hill.
The perfect orientation of the civic or main plaza towards the four cardinal points evidences the enormous knowledge possessed by these ancient people of the Astral and magnetic poles.
"We're getting funding sources as we go, but the first phase of the project, the civic plaza, will get under way this January."
The civic plaza is to be followed by a mixed-use project on the site where St. Genevieve's, a historic church, once stood.
The extension provides exemplary artist studios, a purpose-built performance space and a new entrance from a new civic plaza.
This offered him the opportunity to build a monumental civic plaza for a major city as well as to reestablish the grandeur of Rome.