Throughout the 1980s, she continued to devote her energies to civic actions and causes.
The goal is to give young people the tools to take peaceful civic action, engage directly with policy makers and learn the skills of networking.
A number of civic actions ensued and a court case followed.
Focusing on local defense and civic action, the Special Forces teams did the majority of the training.
Since then the town of Pagsanjan through civic action has dramatically reduced child prostitution.
What's needed is not just individual rectitude but also civic action.
They need to develop communication skills, hard learned, to transfer their technical knowledge into civic actions.
Indeed, some have gone back there to work, doing much the same civic action that won their friendship originally.
A united civic action finally got the dredges out of the harbor in the late 1960s.
In addition it attempts to empower people to take civic action regarding redistricting reform.