The city had long waived such fees but in recent years it had begun to pass those costs on to organizations using the park.
By early May, documents show, the city had waived the rent and reduced the required capital improvements to $50,000 in exchange for a promise that the work be finished the first year.
After initially defending the city's decision not to suspend the rules last week, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg reversed himself and said the city would waive parking tickets issued on Thursday and Friday.
They also proposed that the city waive the fees it charges the ferry operators to use city docks.
The teachers have agreed to let the city waive $300 million in planned payments into pension funds over the next five years.
As both bondholder and bond-backer, the city would waive the restrictions for itself, she said.
He said the city could legally waive its claim to the property or state legislation might be needed to give the property to the state once and for all.
The J. M. Kaplan Fund came up with seed money, the city waived money owed to it, and we acquired the buildings by paying the federal liens.
The city waived certain fees for developers to assist them in building homes for middle-income buyers.
Under the three-month drive that ended Jan. 31, the city waived 65 percent of the combined interest and penalty on all delinquent and unfiled city and school taxes.