Since that time, the city has tripled its population to 92,000 and now encompasses more than 76.6 square miles.
The city could have nearly tripled the number of available ambulances by calling in reserves from the suburbs, but it was slow to realize that it had a disaster on its hands.
More than four thousand companies have set up offices the city and the population has tripled.
In the last five years, the city has tripled the number of Tier II apartments for homeless families, to 3,200.
The city tripled in size upon the annexation of additional areas, including where Dolphin Mall is located.
After the war, the city started to expand and nearly tripled in size.
Through a system of matching state and Federal funds, the city can triple the impact of its money.
Since the 1890's, the city has tripled its population, but remains riven by yawning gaps between rich and poor.
Between 1950 and 1975 the city tripled its population and new districts were built.
Between 1631 and 1890, the city tripled its area through land reclamation by filling in marshes, mud flats, and gaps between wharves along the waterfront.