The city does not directly regulate the sale of used mattresses.
The city has regulated the haulers since 1957 but has never lowered their rates.
Thanks in part to a growing number of state and Federal mandates, the city must regulate increasingly complex matters of environmental risk.
"The city can regulate times and places, but you can't forbid people from occupying the face of the earth."
But the 311 line will not refer the aggrieved to an agency, because the city doesn't regulate smoking at home.
The city has regulated outdoor cafes, most of them in Manhattan, since 1939.
- The city regulated the helicopter tour industry after noise complaints from residents.
One possible reason for them doing so, is that in general, cities can regulate marshes, but not creeks and rivers.
But the city can regulate how buildings are used.
State law mandates that cities of more than 15,000 residents regulate rental units.