The city of Tucumcari razed the site weeks after the fire.
The remainder of Quest, a city razed around it, was jumbled humps and lumps.
Their home was burned, their city razed, so they set out on the only friend they had left: the sea.
If a neighborhood isn't "sustainable," the city should raze it.
The city razed many of its architectural treasures 30 years ago to make way for a massive urban renewal project, which included a large shopping center.
More than 300,000 people came to visit Mr. Daynor's temple of trash before the city razed it after his death in 1964.
In February the city razed the garden to make way for a complex of apartments and stores.
And the dark forces shall be scourged, the cities razed and made into parks.
As a result, cities across the nation have razed entire complexes.
But the city has not razed one house.