Encouraged by a favorable Federal court ruling last December, gambling companies initially lined up to operate from city piers.
As an individual who uses the city pier, I can say that some people don't use it because of fear for their safety and lack of cleanliness.
I was walking the city pier with my husband and our dog w..
And the agency has not raised landing fees, the amount charged every time a boat docks at a city pier, in more than 20 years.
In the meantime, community groups are excited about the construction of a city pier at the end of Coffey Street.
I tied up down at the city pier over a year ago.
They lived in an apartment near the city pier, and she operated the radio for the organization while he went on calls.
Each floor of the scaffolding is being packed into a bin and shipped to a city pier, where individual sections may be reassembled.
After a fire in 1987, the once-celebrated city pier stood as a burned-out hulk for nearly a decade.
A few minutes later they pulled up at a bluff overlooking the beach, about two miles south of the main city pier.