A junkyard, an asphalt plant and the former city incinerator, now a garbage transfer station, are other neighborhood eyesores.
He said the city would consider exporting the garbage and increasing recycling, but he ruled out the possibility of building a city incinerator.
The landfill site was then covered with ash from city incinerators and compacted by bulldozers.
A portion of the site is occupied by a city incinerator and garage.
In 1984, it exacted a pledge from the Sanitation Department to begin recycling waste in return for the board's approval of five new city incinerators.
But his failure to participate in the public campaign finance program is disappointing, as is his opposition to needed city incinerators.
But Mr. Albanese said the site had certain disadvantages, including the nearby Con Edison steam plant and a city incinerator.
No, Emma was condemned as a traitor now, her body destined for the city incinerator, her ashes for the city dump.
The lake was man-made and was once used as a cooling pond for a city incinerator.
She soon realized that the newly opened city incinerator down the street was belching pollution out over the neighborhood.