The major city of the region, Eilat, governs itself as a city council and is not included in the regional council.
By supporting these three entities, you are perpetuating the misconception that the city cannot govern itself.
The Principality of Monaco and the city of Monaco (each having specific powers) govern the same territory.
The city is governed by a five-member council-manager government, each elected at-large (i.e., by the entire city's voting population, not by districts) to four year terms.
The city can govern itself, and mandate ordinances and actions as long as they do not infringe on state or federal law.
In order to be considered a city-state, a city must govern itself independently, by regulating its own taxes, or having independent representation at the United Nations.
The city of Mobile, Alabama governed itself by a City Commission that exercised all legislative, executive and administrative power.
Both cities govern themselves independently of the province and their residents do not vote for elective provincial officials.
The city governs 29 towns/townships containing 475 villages.