That date came sooner than expected, thanks to the city financing, he added.
A reduction in city financing is coming even as costs for each child are going up.
But city financing has yet to be allocated and, she said, "In the meantime, we're making do."
As its city financing has dwindled to nothing, it has simply turned to the state and federal governments.
As for stories tracing the fate of city financing, we're game here all the time for just that.
"It's a 10-year plan and it's not going to come in one business cycle," she said of the city financing.
Online data also keeps schools up to date on changes to their city financing and register, which should help schools plan ahead.
No new city financing will go into the gun control effort.
For the same period, city financing of the Queens library system's book budget plunged 37 percent, from $2.8 million to $1.8 million.
In the coming year, city financing will be cut 20 percent, or $1.3 million.