The project is expected to create 180 jobs and generate $100 million in private investment, according to city estimates.
One city estimate calculated the loss at $241,000 a day.
The median age, which had risen to more than 60 in the 1970's, is now about 24, the city estimates.
And there is also the cost: as much as $85,000, according to one city estimate.
Between 1993 and 1995, the city estimates, only 13 percent of women were obese.
According to city estimates, there were 5,700 homeless in Tokyo as of late last year.
The population increased to 34,811 by 2008, according to city estimates.
Fewer than 100,000 disposers are now in use, the city estimates.
Altogether, 177 stores in business when the law was passed were subject to it, the city estimates.
In the current fiscal year, the report said, tax receipts could be $40 million less than the $13 billion the city estimates.