The academic festivities are opened to the entire city community and attract a large number of national and international tourists as well.
If a large bank were doing the same thing, they would be generating $5 billion a year of credit into inner city communities.
Their arrival has led to a revival of our neighborhood as a dynamic and vital city community.
He was very active within Dublin's inner city community, working with disadvantaged children and encouraging them not to take drugs.
Its city communities tend to be fairly insular in nature.
"Normally, we've only seen these kinds of problems in inner city communities where many patients can't afford to pay for their care."
The loss of population and affluent taxpayers caused many inner city communities to fall into urban decay.
A very large and modern hospital serves the city and far away communities surrounding the city.
It served both the local area and the wider city community.
One example of this would be gang activity in inner city communities.