Last week, the city commemorated "Queuing Day," an event held on the 11th of every month because the date symbolizes an orderly line.
In 2002 the city commemorated its thousandth birthday.
Towns and cities throughout the region will commemorate their liberation dates.
The city of Orléans commemorated her death each year beginning in 1432, and from 1435 onward performed a religious play centered around her victories.
The city now commemorates the event as "Canberra Day" each year, always on the second Monday of March.
Many Hungarian cities have commemorated Rákóczi by naming streets and squares after him.
The city of Freiburg commemorates the event with a wreath laying ceremony and other events.
The city commemorated her life with a plaque on the courthouse.
Some middle school students come in and ask the mayor how the city will commemorate the 40th anniversary this summer of the Newark "rebellion."
Across the country churches held special masses, and towns and cities commemorated the anniversary with ceremonies and vigils.