Most cities ban public drinking and selling liquor to people who appear drunk.
Although 60 other cities have banned restaurant smoking, most are of modest size.
Sitting on a lot only 30 feet wide, it was one of the last sliver buildings to go up before the city banned them.
In 1953, the city banned commercial establishments within 400 feet of the Boardwalk.
Most were constructed before 1924, and all of them before 1952, when the city banned new ones.
By this time, the town had grown to population of 2080, and the city banned livestock from the streets.
Meanwhile, the city banned all overnight street parking in 1924- a law enforced to the present day.
So many people now use the mall that the city has temporarily banned cars.
Hawaii is considering similar legislation, and many cities have already banned the booming.
Beginning 19 January 2007 the city has banned smoking in automobiles if children under 18 are present.