The city also has appointed Commissions to give residents a greater voice in local decisions.
In 1821 the city appointed the first Librarian, Abraham de Vries.
In 1859 the city appointed him "Obergerichtsrat" (chief judge at the supreme state court).
The most populous cities within a department may have citizens' committees appointed by the municipal government to perform certain functions.
The city of Peekskill may appoint the following persons as watershed protection and enforcement officers:
The city appointed a preservation board of architects, art historians and preservationists to determine what buildings, districts or sites should be given landmark status.
Each city appointed a vogt for five-year periods.
The reform began in 1800, when, dissatisfied with existing conditions, the city of Elberfeld appointed six visitors to investigate applications for relief.
The city appointed a former movie public relations agent, Alison Emilio, to run it.
The city of Amsterdam appointed a terrain in the Western part of the city.