Last year, the city allocated $2.7 billion for the next five years, an amount that includes the $800 million in proceeds from the water sale.
State lawmakers counter that the city does not allocate enough of its budget for education.
The city and state allocated the money in their new budgets, which were approved last month.
The city has allocated $272 million for this acquisition, that is, $212 an acre.
The city, facing a budget deficit, will not allocate new funds for the program.
This fiscal year, the city has allocated $4.5 million (with no state component) at a rate of $1 for each $1.50 raised on the outside.
The city has allocated $3.5 million to build the new branch, but that would not cover the cost of acquiring land.
The city has already allocated one additional position to her department for an asthma outreach worker.
Each year the city allocates money to arts groups based on history and political deals.
The city has allocated $35 million more to the expansion, and the museum will soon begin a campaign to raise the rest from private donors.