This animal gives off a pleasant citrus smell when it is handled, and this (along with its yellow coloration) is what is responsible for the common name "sea lemon".
She had a clean citrus smell.
Initially it has a fresh citrus smell, giving the impression you've hit the showers.
However, experiments with various odors had proved that a heavy citrus smell liberally poured on the outside of the blind covered the scent of the juicy morsels within and was a powerful deterrent to the snakes.
It has a sweet citrus smell and full-bodied, languid flavour with heavy sativa psychoactive effects.
As the peel fell away and the fresh citrus smell filled the office, I noticed that he had a hard time stripping the fruit because his fingernails were so short--painfully short--and ragged.
There's a faint citrus smell to the air, and a lovely breeze off the canal.
It contains vitamin C, magnesium and some B vitamins as well as E, but what I love is its orange-smoothie color and citrus smell.
They were observed feeding on the small, black and hard seeds or fruit of a tree with leaves having a strong citrus smell.
The foliage has a faint citrus smell when brushed.