Senior White House aides deny any efforts to make the citizenship program political.
Several of the agencies said they had been deluged with requests for citizenship programs and English as a second language classes.
We learned that immigrants who attended our organization's citizenship program were more likely to register and vote.
Service projects include paid listings as part of's corporate citizenship program.
Chinese people's extensive use of the economic citizenship programme has also proven to be controversial among local people.
Johnson has helped train teachers and administrators in Armenia to implement cooperative learning as part of a democratic citizenship program.
We are now looking at the range of programmes for which I am responsible, including youth, education and the citizenship programme.
The citizenship programme is also based on the cultural Article 151 of the Treaty.
Community colleges offer free language and citizenship programmes to aid in the rapid integration of immigrants into our society.
It is usually paid for by the host government to help newcomers settle into their adopted country, sometimes as part of an explicit citizenship program.