However, the citizens of Monaco objected to her appearing in a film, especially as a disturbed kleptomaniac.
The citizens of Athens objected to this and forced him out of the city.
It was a system no sensible citizen could object to.
The citizens of Endor objected to our going in there.
And many citizens will object to any change in service or pricing.
In 1921 citizens objected to the closing of the station, and it was recommissioned in 1926.
On several occasions when local citizens have objected to the contents of articles such objections have been presented as full-fledged opinion columns in subsequent issues.
"I think the citizens of Providence should object to being characterized as an angry mob."
The citizens of nearby Montpelier objected to this designation, but efforts to change the county seat were unsuccessful.
There was a slight hiccup in the 1950s when a good citizen of Edinburgh objected to our bearing the arms.