The conclusions from these meetings are then brought to the attention of decision-makers in the hopes that citizen input will influence policy.
The planning team solicited citizen input, analyzed existing bayfront conditions and gathered market data to produce three preliminary land use concepts.
"We will be looking for a lot of citizen input."
A similar term, "open-source governance," refers to overhauling or replacing existing government institutions in order to allow direct citizen input into the government.
Ms. Ellenhoff said the issue was "spending taxpayers' money without citizen input."
The Master Plan directly responds to citizen input from the General Planning process.
The conclusions from these meetings are then brought to decision-makers so that citizen input can directly influence policy.
Twice a month they hear citizen input and presumably relay this information to the City manager who actually runs the city day to day.
The issue is not high taxes, but that the structure of government permits high taxes without significant citizen input.
Hearings were held throughout SF seeking citizen input.