This was because citizens chosen on merit or popularity contradicted the democratic equality of all citizenry.
Mr. Davis adopted a contrite tone in his opening remarks and in responding to five citizens chosen by the debate's organizers to question him.
Under the system, wealthy citizens, chosen for military service by lot, could send someone else to serve in their place if they could afford to.
The archigallus was always a Roman citizen chosen by the quindecimviri sacris faciundis, whose term of service lasted for life.
Subsequently, the new government has proposed a "Constitutional Convention", 67 of whose 100 members would be ordinary citizens chosen randomly from the electoral register.
Juries consisting of three law-trained judges and six citizens chosen by lottery will decide criminal cases by majority vote.
Second, the delegates to the convention would be ordinary citizens, chosen by lot, like a jury.
The assembly's agenda for each meeting was decided on by a council of 500 citizens, chosen by lot.
A majority of the dikasts (Athenian citizens chosen by lot to serve as jurors) voted to convict him.
To the citizens chosen to ask questions in the "town hall"-style debate here, they were all charm, no matter the question.