Any citizen may challenge a law that has been passed by parliament.
During this time period the nation experienced great social unrest, as citizens challenged the social order in radical ways.
Our civil justice system is the one place where poor or vulnerable citizens can challenge corporate misconduct and force changes in corporate behavior.
For years, Texas has boasted a statute that allows citizens to challenge pollution permits through a process much like a court trial.
But if a citizen challenges the ticket in court he can also sue the person who issued the notice.
It also allows citizens to challenge proposed surface mining operations on the ground that they will cause too much environmental harm.
Increasingly in recent years judges have allowed the Government to impose restrictions on hearings, often denying citizens a real opportunity to challenge official policy.
Yet many a citizen is challenging this view.
The Constitutional Court allows private citizens to challenge the government.
At any time, one citizen of Lorca may challenge another's right to wear the mask of a certain rank.