About 400,000 Soviet citizens have become involved in private enterprises, but so far their impact on the ordinary citizen's standard of living is marginal.
Upon reaching the legal age, a citizen automatically becomes enlisted and subject to military law.
Soviet citizens have also become far more familiar with American attitudes toward them.
Many Soviet citizens lost weight, grew weaker, and became more vulnerable to disease.
It was, he argued, a requirement of American democracy that all citizens become educated and articulate.
Thinking that the spectacle will help show the public what happens when citizens become of no use to the State, the court grants both requests.
I voted for this report as European citizens are becoming increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of medicines.
Europe's citizens must become more engaged with its development in the future.
The citizens of Florida were becoming disenchanted with the militia.
Local citizens became concerned about the fate of the timber and were able to persuade the new owner to sell the land.