The citizens of Indiana approved the amendment in the November, 2004 election.
The citizens approved a bond in 1945 that allowed for the construction of a new cafeteria.
The citizens approved by a vote of 1,219 to 173 on 1 August 1941.
France has never apologized for its conduct during the war, although recent surveys indicate that most French citizens would approve such a move.
The citizens, in 1964, approved a $10.9 million bond for capital improvements.
The citizens of Arlington approved the agreement by a 65% - 35% margin.
In 2006, the citizens of Monrovia approved a $45 million dollar bond for the high school.
After the final details were worked out, the citizens approved a bond measure for the purchase in 1976.
One important issue here is to provide that information so that our citizens, too, can approve this agreement.
If citizens do not approve these arrangements, the politicians can be voted out at the next election.