But the Federation for American Immigration Reform, citing other scholars, says that such conclusions are based on outdated assumptions.
Judge Lancaster also cited numerous constitutional scholars who had observed that the Lawrence ruling calls federal obscenity laws into question.
As proof of this, Mr. Wicker cites professors, scholars, judges, writers and Federal Bureau of Investigation reports.
He is one of the most cited multicultural scholars in the United States.
She cited scholars who said the sexual practices appeared to cause no harm to the children and a psychologist who evaluated Ricky as a teenager and found him well adjusted.
The Journal of Legal Studies has identified Pound as one of the most cited legal scholars of the 20th century.
"We are not a bunch of yahoos, of unwashed jingoists," Mr. Hyde said, citing various legal scholars who favor the amendment.
According to the US Journal of Blacks in Higher Education he has been consistently among the most frequently cited black scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum cites scholars that estimate the number of Sinti and Roma killed to lie between 220,000 and 500,000.
In her many studies and talks she cited numerous scholars and researchers from Jewish, Christian, and other sources.