The University refused to provide review materials, citing constitutional protection under the First Amendment and the societal interest inherent in the peer review process.
It is currently being assessed for CITES protection and endangered status.
In 2012, 10 American states passed laws requiring photo ID at the ballot box, citing protection against electoral fraud.
He cited elder law, computer and Internet law, alternative dispute resolution and protection of intellectual property as among the courses he expects to remain popular.
In 2011 the Philippine Government banned its employees from being sent to Croatia and forty other countries, citing insufficient protection of foreign workers.
In the United States, some cite unequal protection under the law while others cite loss of business without compensation, as well as other types of challenges.
Pharmaceutical companies and some doctors have fought fiercely against a law mandating that they provide the information, and they, too, cite protection of consumers.
Thus field protection may be the primary mechanism that saved the population, but it is likely that field protection would not have been increased without CITES protection.
It cited "protection of the essential security interests of the United States" as the reason for limiting competition.
As a lawyer, she had scrutinized the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore, which cited equal protection of voters.