He cites parallels from Egyptian, Greek and Norse sources.
In accepting the position, she cited parallels between the Reform Party and Harris's right-wing government in opposing employment equity and distinct status for Quebec.
He cited parallels between his life and that of the fictional Simon.
A Clemens scholar, Hamlin Hall, has cited parallels between the author's life and that of characters in the story.
By the end of the book, Mr. Brooks has turned apocalyptic, citing numerous parallels to 1929.
They cite parallels with figures such as the Kentish totemic horse-gods Hengest and Horsa, who later became historicised.
Fell cited numerous direct parallels between lines from Ovid and those in four of Dylan's songs.
He's a great one for citing historical parallels.
The encyclopedia cites parallels between the birth of Sleipnir and myths originally pointing to a Celtic goddess who gave birth to the Divine horse twins.
"Aureole" is prime evidence for those who cite parallels between Mr. Taylor and Mark Morris.