Ginzburg wondered where Menocchio had come up with these images, and why he had cited the monk's book as the source.
However, Brinkley subsequently told the paper that he interpreted the agreement as requiring only that quotations from the materials cite his book.
A great number of more recently published works on western politics cite only Morton's book in their discussion of the Progressive Party.
In addition to Butler's statement before the US Department of Labor, the hearing cited his book and a survey he conducted.
Yutaka Fujino cited his book first and commented favourably about his opinions.
For example, he cites his book "The Outside Shot," published in 1984.
A contributor at the 2011 Hay Festival cited Weech's book as a remarkable discovery.
Supporters of the Solidarity chairman said they could not recall him ever citing Mr. Tyminski's book.
Is it possible that both Rufina and Buckley (who cites her book as an important source) missed the beau geste of the name?
Other posters cite Eighner's book, which sounds terrific, and which I'll be tracking down.