Richard Mudd cited a constitutional issue and his belief in his grandfather's innocence through the years.
Citing his belief the board would reject this, Baksa eliminated the "significant amount of evidence."
Arafat refused, citing his belief in the need for a Palestinian state with Palestinian leadership.
Brokerage stocks were one of the session's stronger groups, with analysts citing their belief that volume growth is sustainable and merger activity will continue.
The book's dedication cited "her unwavering belief in the rule of law."
The city fought the effort, citing its belief that state law reserved for municipal officials the power to make land-use decisions.
She cited her belief in "strong family values".
He declined, citing his belief in the constraints of a family newspaper, to elaborate.
Tillman also cited his belief that book was written by a man, not Britton.
The board cited its belief that Ramage did not yet understand the severity of the actions which led to his incarceration.