In January, Reynolds ended its 80-year tradition of offering tours of its cigarette factories, citing declining interest.
DirecTV cites low interest in their subscriber base and Nielsen ratings as the primary reason for dropping of the channel.
After citing waning interest in school, Ablett dropped out of high school at the age of 15 years to become a bricklayer's labourer.
RJR Nabisco increased the size of an exchange offer for its debt, citing strong interest.
But, citing commercial interest, IBM have refrained from making this public.
The government cited "national interest" or, more specifically, "the need of addressing our Country's great interests".
My colleagues brought up incident after incident in which newspaper editors questioned the need to devote serious attention to classical music, citing decreased interest among readers.
Therefore Bangladesh did not observe DST in 2010, citing "public interest".
In April 1969 Graham changed the name and format of her syndicated column, citing waning public interest in Hollywood gossip.
The survey also cited "subdued interest" among potential buyers of new homes.