At various times during his tenure, there were critics (and competitors) who cited negative findings about him in research done on viewers' reaction to the show.
Notably, the report agreed with international scientific consensus about secondhand smoke, citing numerous findings from public health authorities in other countries.
Although the strength of the evidence varies from one ailment to another, the report cites many alarming findings.
The Justice Department, citing Congressional "findings of fact" to the contrary, disagrees.
Professor Feldhusen cites findings that "when grouping is not used, high-ability children will suffer.
Though the proponents cite recent archaeological findings in support of the theory, the hypothesis has generally not been well received.
The report cites news articles, legal complaints and findings from labor organizations, much of which Wal-Mart says are inaccurate or outdated.
They cite similar findings in Denmark and Germany.
They cited recent scientific findings that suggested that the virus might yield useful medical knowledge about other infections and diseases like cancer.
But it cites general findings and anecdotal evidence in finding that the airport operations remain vulnerable.