Throughout, Crick cites various experiments which illustrate the narrow points he is making about visual awareness, such as studies investigating the phenomenon of blindsight in macaques.
He cites experiments which already have shown that cats are both telepathic and clairvoyant, and hints of exciting news to come.
For example, Horvath cites experiments on electricity by Benjamin Franklin (1754).
He cites experiments among housewives who are failures at pad-and-pencil math but competent comparison shoppers when they hit the supermarket aisle.
But the diversity of our system is the reason Mr. Schumer could cite several promising experiments from around the country.
In reply to each point raised, he was ever able to cite fresh experiments and adduce fresh illustrations, until at last his opponents retired worsted from the combat.
Members of the opposition New Democratic Party argued that the plan would be ineffective, citing past experiments in the United States of America as evidence.
He cites experiments in which subjects pushed a button whenever they chose while noting the time of their decision as displayed on a clock.
To support this claim, Dehaene (1997) cites experiments conducted with remote Amazon tribes who weren't socialized with the popular concept of numbers.
Medical experts summoned by the plaintiffs cited experiments showing that silicone could harm the immune systems of mice.